How To Enlarge Your House In France?

With the evolution of time, most families need more living space. Some prefer to move to a larger house, while others decide to stay in their original home. If you adhere to the latter concept, you should know that you can enlarge your house. But how do you do it? Find out in this article the answers to this question.

Respect the rules relating to the extension of the house

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The work of enlarging a house is subject either to a prior declaration or to a prior authorization known as a building permit, depending on the size of the planned surface. In fact, in principle, for an extension surface of less than 20 m² or 40 m² for U zones, a prior declaration is sufficient. Beyond this amount, a building permit is required.

The work must comply with urban planning regulations, particularly if it modifies the external appearance of the house. To find out what these rules are, we strongly advise you to go to your local town hall and find out about the Local Urban Plan and the Land Use Plan that govern your town. In addition, all new construction (including renovation and expansion) must comply with thermal regulations.

Prepare your budget

The budget you need to prepare depends on several parameters: the surface area, the type of extension, the material, and the finishing touches. In general, the cost per m² varies between 700 and 2500 euros.

Determine the type of extension that suits you

An adjoining extension

You have a lot of choices among the adjoining extensions that exist. If you still have room on your property, a horizontal extension is possible. If not, opt for a vertical extension.

The attached extension is the most solid type of house extension. Its durability depends on the material used. The most common materials are concrete, a breeze block, and wood.

But, be aware that its construction is quite complex and requires the intervention of a professional in construction, renovation, and home extension.

A veranda


In addition to bringing more light to your interior, it allows you to increase the living space and can be used as a living room, kitchen, dining room, or office. Its installation takes less time than the construction of an adjoining extension. On the market, verandas are available in 3 models.

The first is the aluminum veranda. Easy to maintain, light but robust, it can adopt a very varied design. The second model is the veranda in steel or wrought iron. It is robust and offers a wide choice of finishes. The third model is the wooden veranda. It creates a warm environment and provides good thermal and sound insulation.

A covered terrace

This is a terrace with a structure that covers it. This structure can be an awning, a pergola, or an arbor. But in all cases, the structure is equipped with a frame.

A covered terrace is sure to enhance your home. It gives you great freedom of design. However, in terms of destination, you are limited because you are more or less open to the outside space (less privacy) and are exposed to the weather. Thus, you are forced to use it as a dining room or living room.

Raising the roof

It allows you to gain both volume and surface, which allows your land to remain intact. You can include a change of slope in your elevation project.

As advantages, a roof elevation is easy and fast to realize, because the elements are pre-cut in workshop. It adapts to all types of buildings (concrete, wood, etc.). It also optimizes the architecture of your house.

A mezzanine


A mezzanine is a small platform installed in a room with a high ceiling, which means that it overhangs the main room. It is equipped with railings.

It allows you to gain many square meters, which allows you to acquire one or two more rooms. You can choose the model that suits you best (wood, metal, or mixed materials). Its installation is faster and more affordable than building an upper floor.

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