What Kind Of Wood To Use For The Frame

The construction of a house is done in several stages: installation of the foundation, raising the walls, etc. In addition, the implementation of the framework is a fundamental element in a building. This assembly of metal or wood pieces has the function of supporting the roof, which will protect the entire structure from bad weather.

In order to ensure that it is safe and that the work is well done, the realization of a framework must be entrusted to a certified carpenter. Given the load it will support, it must also be made of durable and solid materials. What type of wood to choose for the design of a timber frame? So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about wooden frames.

What type of wood to use for the frame?


The choice of the type of wood to use for the frame depends largely on your budget and also on the structure of the frame. However, the woods are classified according to their resistance level and moisture content. Class 2 lumber with less than 17% moisture content is generally used.

Be aware that although there are different types of wood, they are not all suitable for the design of the frame since they each have their particularities. To be better accompanied, ask for advice from a professional in roofing and framing. Some species also require proper treatment and regular maintenance to protect the structure from pest attacks.

Two categories of wood are recommended in the manufacture of frames. The strongest woods are hardwoods such as oak and chestnut. These are used more particularly in interior joinery (paneling, stairs, framework, etc.).

Chestnut and oak have high mechanical strength and resist well to bending. However, these types of wood are among the most expensive on the market and are heavy. It is also possible to use softwoods, which are less expensive but are more susceptible to insects and fungi. These are spruce, pine, and fir.

Softwoods are more used for traditional carpentry because of their lighter color, which is particularly aesthetic. Their major weakness is that they require treatment to protect them from insect attacks. It is also essential to regularly maintain softwood frames.

When and how to treat a frame?

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Although metal is used increasingly to manufacture industrial house frames, wood remains the most popular for this structure. Moreover, exposed frames are currently more and more in fashion. This allows you to save money in terms of budget, but it also offers an undeniable cachet to your house. Leaving your frame visible also allows you to detect the slightest traces of mold and insects.

However, visible or not, it is essential to regularly treat the wood of the frame to ensure its durability over time. Indeed, regardless of their construction use and degree of exposure, wood can easily deteriorate if not treated properly. Over time, this will weaken the wood and cause it to sag.

In addition to pest attacks, the geographic location of your home is also a factor that should not be overlooked. Signs of structural deterioration can be difficult to detect. However, seeing white spots with holes in certain areas indicates the presence of insects.

Several solutions can be used to treat lumber. You can apply insecticide treatments that can be used as a preventive and also as a curative. These products provide effective protection against wood borers. However, if the wood of your frame starts to yellow or lose its luster, the application of products such as stains can remedy this.

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