Everything You Need To Know About The Earthworker: Training, Missions, Skills And Remuneration

Before any construction or road building, we must proceed to the earthwork. A specialist who carries out this earthwork is called anĀ earthworker. How does one become an earthworker? What is his mission, and how much does he earn?

What does the job of a digger consist of?


The digger is one of the first people to intervene on a building or road site. The earthworker is the specialist who prepares the ground before the other workers begin the work.

Still called an earthworker, the earthworker performs the work of leveling the ground, grading the surfaces, and digging the excavations for the foundations and trenches on a site intended to house a road or a building. He is always the first to work on any type of site. It is a very difficult job that requires a lot of physical effort. In the past, the digger worked mainly by hand with picks and shovels.

Nowadays, thanks to the evolution of things, the digger uses mechanical shovels and heavy pieces of machinery such as bulldozers and graders. The use of these specialized machines allows him to be faster and more efficient. However, some diggers still use pickaxes and shovels, especially for small jobs. For all earthmoving work, call on specialized expertise.

Becoming an earthworker: Training and necessary skills


Nowadays, several pieces of training allow you to become a digger. Thus, with the following diplomas, one can exercise the profession of earthworker. It is about:

    • CAP builder in public works canalization;
    • CAP builder of engineering structures;
    • CAP road builder;
    • CAP machine driver: public works and quarries;
    • Bac pro building technician, organization and realization of large works (TEBORGO)
    • Bac pro-public works.

In addition to these diplomas, the digger must have certain qualities and practical skills. He must be in the very good physical condition and enjoy heavy work. He must be ready to work, whether in the cold or under the sun, no matter the weather conditions. They work primarily outdoors, digging excavations. The digger must have a sense of responsibility and be flexible. They must be able to drive and handle heavy machinery.

In addition to that, he must have rigor and love work well done. He must also know how to work as part of a team, as he is often called upon to work with other workers on the site. Thanks to these different qualities and skills, the digger is the professional you need for the exterior design of your house.

After several years of practice and experience, the digger can specialize in structural work or in driving machinery. It is important to note that in the past, the job of a digger was done without a diploma. It is still possible to practice this profession by training on the job, but only if you have the physical conditions necessary.

How much does a digger earn?


The remuneration of a digger takes into account several parameters. In a company, for example, his or her salary depends on his or her qualifications, experience, and the size of the company that employs him or her. As for a beginner, his salary is at the minimum wage level. For a self-employed digger, his remuneration takes into account the nature of the work, the volume of the land, and others.

For an independent digger, for example, a garden excavation’s price differs from that of a road. It is a very noble profession that allows one to earn an honest living. It is not difficult for the digger to find a job, especially if he has enough experience.

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