Demolition Work: Precautions And Advice

Demolition work should not be taken lightly. There is a specific technique for each type of work. Whether it is a partial or total demolition, the related work is subject to rules and standards and must respect certain steps because of the safety issues involved. Follow the advice and measures listed in this article to make things easier for you.

Make a preliminary diagnosis of the type of building to be demolished


Before anything else, it is important to fully analyze the type of building (its structural composition, volume, etc.) as well as its environment (neighboring infrastructures, power lines, etc.). This analysis allows us to gather information (its nature, resistance, and stability) and determine the appropriate demolition technique. For example, the mechanical method is suitable for the demolition of a concrete building, and the explosive method is intended for buildings over 20 m high.

Find out about the regulations in force

In principle, all demolition work of any kind requires a permit. However, there are exceptions. A demolition permit is not required in the case of:

  • Demolition order via a court decision
  • Declaration of insalubrity of a building by the competent authorities
  • The critical condition of a building threatens the safety of goods and people.

In addition, other rules may apply when the structure to be demolished is built in a protected area or is considered a historical monument or a site of cultural heritage. For this, it is preferable to inquire about the Local Urbanism Plan with the urbanism service of your municipality.

Respect the administrative steps

The application for a demolition permit starts by filling in the Cerfa form N°13405*03. This form can be downloaded from the public service’s official website or obtained directly from the town hall. It includes the identity of the applicant, his contact details, the location of the land, and the nature of the demolition work. Then, this duly completed form is to be sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt (in 4 copies) to the town hall.

The waiting period is 2 months. Afterward, the city hall will announce its decision by means of order and registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. If it accepts, the work can be carried out according to the date specified by the town hall, in the receipt containing the registration number of the file. If it refuses, you can ask for a revision of the decision or a re-examination of the file.

If it remains silent, you are faced with a tacit permit. But, as a precaution, please check with the city hall. Furthermore, if you are planning a reconstruction project after the demolition project, attach the demolition permit application to the building or development permit application. Note that the cost of the permit is free.

Use the services of a professional

Demolition work requires a certain amount of know-how and special skills. It is therefore strongly advised to entrust them to a company specialized in demolition work, such as Mangane TP in Nice.

Take safety measures

Demolition works are complex and dangerous, as they present many risks, such as the uncontrolled collapse of the whole infrastructure, explosion, and fire following the use of explosives, falling materials, etc. Hence the interest in taking safety measures, including:

  • The establishment of a security perimeter around the site to prohibit public access.
  • Protection of the public road and adjoining properties.
  • The shoring of retaining walls.
  • The compulsory wearing of individual protection equipment for all the participants on the construction site.
  • The control of the plan of underground pipes, the electric line, and the telephone line.

Follow the different steps of the demolition


The demolition works begin with the removal of asbestos and the removal of lead if the presence of these metals has been detected. They are followed by progressive deconstruction, oxy cutting, and decontamination of the building. The work ends with the evacuation of waste, such as rubble.

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